Enterprise Migration

Remapping orphaned devices to migrate enterprise customers from a per-device plan to a per-user plan
Project Overview
When life was less complicated, Cisco priced communication services by the number of devices (e.g. phones) required by a customer. Now, with a lot more software offerings to integrate (e.g. WebEx, among other complexities), our services had become less device-centric, and we needed to move to pricing per-user.

As you may have guessed, a large number of our long-time customers did not keep their device ownership tables perfectly up-to-date. Moving directly to a per-user charge would risk angering our customers with downtime or overcharges.

The Device Assignment Tool was born to help client admins automate proper device assignment, ensuring a smooth transition.

As a humble upgrade tool, no detailed metrics were collected across customers, but we heard that this was one of the most well-received and reviewed applications to come out of the Unified Communications team.
My Contributions
This was a straightforward, standalone product but with a lot of technical complexity outside of my own expertise.

I spent an initial period learning from the lead engineer about the mapping process itself, then rapidly iterated through an initial set of wireframes to make sure we were starting off on the same page.

This was a one-time use tool for users with high domain expertise, so I wanted to make sure to use language in the UI that customer admins would be familiar with, and that the tool fit seamlessly with and referenced other Cisco admin tools at their disposal.

I ran a user study with a small set of admins, and uncovered several concerns that would have escaped my attention if not for the close partnership with our lead engineer.

I took findings back to the broader team, made updates and resolved technical questions, and delivered final wireframes and guided them through visual design and development phases.


Click to view.

User Research

Although our lead engineer was a great proxy for a first pass (he has worked directly with partner UC Admins for many years), I wanted to make sure partner admins would find the tool as easy to understand upon first-time use.

He quickly rounded up 5 UC Admins for us to conduct a round of user testing on, and graciously observed every single session I ran. Some high-level findings are as follows:
We presented the findings to the broader team, resolving issues and taking follow-up action items in that meeting. Our lead engineer was invaluable in this effort—he was able to field most of the engineering questions as he had been in the user sessions himself.

Visual Design

Our teams at Cisco had visual designers working alongside UX. It was my responsibility to keep my visual designer in the loop on status, alert them when they should begin iterations, be the source of truth for how the product works (as they would not have been in all meetings up to this point), as well as provide feedback and assist with quality assurance.

Remote Development

At this point, we got the unfortunate news that our local development resources were being moved to another project, and the tool would be developed by one of our teams in India that was new to front end development. This required a bit of additional guidance from our side, but with some regular early-morning meetings and the continued assistance of our development lead, I was able to clearly communicate both wireframes and visual designs and made myself available to test releases for alignment with our specifications.


Shortly after the release of the tool, we received great news: the tool was one of the most well-received and reviewed applications to come out of the Unified Communications team!